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VACPN Executive Committee Meeting 5/6/15

Executive Committee Meeting

May 6, 2015

Shrine Mont


Attendance:  Lisa Babilon, President; Sharon Daniels, Vice President; Jennifer Phelps, Social Media Specialist; Irma Mahone, CNE Coordinator;  Sonya Mohr, Treasurer

Regional representatives:

Region I Rep:  Jan Puffenberger

Region II Rep: Joann Berkson

Region IV  Rep:  Marina Sinyard

Absent:  Region III and V Reps, and Secretary (Donna Horan resigned this position)


Lisa Babilon, President, welcomed the committee and made call to order at 4 PM.



- Lisa informed the group that this unscheduled meeting was called to review the positions due for election as there are several positions that need to be filled.

- Lisa also informed the group that if nominated for another term for President, she would not be able to accept the nomination due to conflicts with her current job. 

- Positions due for election are President, Secretary, and Social Media Specialist. 

- Group discussion of members that have expressed interest in serving in leadership roles and limitation and obligation that prohibit others for taking on an active role in leadership of VACPN.

- Jen Phelps expressed interest in the President position, however, expressed that she feels the President should have a minimum of BSN to provide creditability to the role and her degree as LPN may not provide the creditability for the organization in working with our various external partners. Committee acknowledged that VACPN is open to and includes members of all educational levels from LPN to Doctorate level. Committee explored establishment of Co-President roles, with one as a BSN level nurse, and note that this also allows for two nurses to share the work load.   There is a BSN member that expresses interest if this position can be shared.

- Jan motioned that we move forth with Co-President roles with this  motion seconded by Irma.  Motion carried to establish election of Co-Presidents.  Lisa will bring this to Member Business Meeting  tomorrow.

- Committee reviewed role of Regional Rep Coordinator, with correction to Feb 6, 2015 minutes that this position was approved and will be addressed at the Membership Business Meeting tomorrow.

- Jen Phelps informed the group that she ordered prototype VACPN Membership Pin at her expense that she requested the Executive Committee consider providing to members as acknowledgment of the membership.  Cost of each pin is $7.50 and could be covered by the $25.00 annual membership fee.  Committee agreed that the Membership Pin is a nice acknowledgement.  Irma motioned that we order pins and that VACPN Treasurer Reimburse Jen for the expense.  Motion seconded by Jan.  Jen will order additional pins.   Pins will be mailed out to members after the Spring Conference.

- Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM by Lisa


Respectfully Submitted, Sharon Daniels, Vice-President

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