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Minutes from 5.7.2010



Business Meeting Minutes


Spring Retreat, Front Royal, VA



1pm meeting called to order by President Cheryl Zellmer



Secretary’s Report

No Secretary’s Report to review.



Treasurer’s Report

Represents all but expenses and receipts for current retreat.  Marina Synard accepted the report and Chris Luchie seconded.



Old Business

No old business



New Business 


Shrine Mont discussed as an alternative Spring Retreat location.  It is located near Brice Ski Resort off Route 81.  Jan Puffenburger presented following information regarding Shrine Mont:


Lodge (Maryland House) is a two story lodge with balconies

Fee is $85/night for one person to a room and $75/night for two people to a room

Fee is all-inclusive to include room, meals and conference room fee

Their conference room is bigger than current 4H conference room

They would allow us to have a Wednesday night reception in the lobby

AV equipment and break refreshments would be an additional charge

Hiking trails, tennis, volleyball and a view of a small pond are available


It was pointed out that we are currently paying more for the 4H center than what the cost would be at Shrine Mont.


Chris Luchie made a motion to have Spring Retreat at Shrine Mont and Jan Puffenberger seconded the motion.  No one opposed.  2011 Spring Retreat dates are May 4, 5, 6, 2011.


Fall Conference will be in Region IV this year.  It was asked that people make suggestions on the evaluations in the way of topics for the conference.


It was brought to the attention of the membership that our certificate to be a provider of continuing education credits via the VNA expires shortly (before the fall conference).  The cost to renew is $1,000 for a 3-year certificate.


Many pros and cons were generated with respected to remaining a provider of continuing education credits.




1.     Suggested that it would help membership

2.     Promotes professional activity as a professional organization




1.     Can’t have drug reps sponsor speakers, so VACPN would have to continue paying for speakers and/or using free speakers

2.     Limits availability of speakers (i.e. couldn’t afford Ken Brasfield who wanted $2,000 to speak this year)


Other ideas were presented such as using free university speakers, and President Cheryl Zellmer reminded all members to share their ideas with their regional reps and on evaluations.


Joyce Southern motioned to vote whether or not to renew the VNA CEU contract.  Jan Puffenberger seconded that motion.  Majority vote chose not to renew the contract.  A minority remained opposed.


Multiple ideas were proposed to increase participation in conferences such as:


1.     Mass mailings of brochures to members and agencies (Chris Luchie)

2.     Brochures to Executive Directors and Medical Directors (Jan Puffenberger)

3.     Brainstorm in regional meetings how to increase participation from that region (Irma Mahone)


It was proposed by Jan Puffenberger that we do not have this Fall conference on the week of October 13 to avoid a conflict with the APNA conference that same week.




Vice President:  Joyce Southern nominated Lisa Babilon for Vice President, and Allison Obrien seconded.  No other individuals were nominated.  Lisa accepted the nomination and was elected Vice President.


Treasurer:  Joyce Southern nominated Louise Pesnicak for Treasurer.  Allison Obrien seconded.  No other individuals were nominated.  Louise accepted the nomination and was elected Treasurer.

Regional Meetings


           Region I:         August regional meeting in Luray planned.

                                   Regional Rep is Margarite Murray.

                                   Alternate Rep is Sharon Daniels.


Region II:           Dinner regional meeting planned for July, and membership outreach will be a goal.

                       Regional Rep is Susan Jacobson.

                        Alternate Rep is Zenat Ryatt.


Region III:           No one in attendance from this region


Region IV:           Regional meeting planned for June 14 at some restaurant

                       Regional Rep is Chris Luchie.

                        Alternate Rep is Marina Synard.


Region V:           Plan to outreach to boards currently not in attendance.

                       Regional Rep is Joyce Southern.

                        Alternate Rep is Allison O’Brien.


Next Executive Committee Meeting will be on August 6, 2010, 10AM-2PM at:


           Goochland-Powhatan Community Services

            3058 River Road West

            Goochland, VA  23063

            804-556-5400 phone (Lisa Babilon)


Officers and Regional Reps requested to attend.



Respectfully Submitted,




Lisa Babilon RN BC


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