VACPN Fall Conference Business Meeting
October 5, 2012 10:30-11:30AM
Attendance: Conference Attendee’s
Meeting called to order by Lisa Babilon, VACPN President
Secretary’s report: Executive Committee Meeting 8/3/12
Read; Irma Mahone, first motion to accept, Joyce Southern, 2 motion, Accepted
Treasurer’s Report:
Read; Joyce Southern, first motion to accept, Kurt Morton, second motion, accepted
Old Business:
Repackaging Regs: Sharon Daniels contacted Michelle Thomas, Pharm D with DBHS to clarify the regs that state “administering of medications will be done by licensed staff” as med tech’s may not be licensed, but have a certificate of completion of medication administration course approved by the BON. VACPN Executive Committee did not request a formal inquiry.
CEU Development: Irma Mahone, (Lead Nurse Planner) updated membership on progress. VACPN did not qualify for CEU’s for current conference. Irma continues to work with VNA in addressing the required documentation of three events. Irma will apply for qualifying single - event for Spring Conference. VACPN will be reimburse membership for CEU fees for current conference.
Scholarship: VACPN provided scholarship for one nurse to attend current conference.
By-Laws Revised: Executive Committee revised the by-laws at the 8/3/12 meeting.
Lisa Babilon, President reviewed the changes with the membership. Revised by-laws provided to conference attendees. Louise Pesnicak, first motion to accept, Cheryl Zellmer, 2 motion, motion carried.
New Business:
2013 Spring Conference:
Location: Shrinemont
Dates: May, 8, 9 and 10
Discussion on conference topic’s
Regional representatives to reach out to area nurses.
Seek Government rates for future conferences
Updates will be posted on the VACPN website (
Membership Recruitment: Discussion centered on ways to recruit interest in VACPN and enhance support of CSB nurse participation by Executive Directors.
Promote VACPN as a professional organization.
Establish a VACPN representative on the Mental Health Counsel through working with VACSB Executive Director.
Continue VACPN presence at VACSB conference.
Executive Committee Meeting : February 1, 2013
10AM- 2PM
Goochland CSB
Meeting adjourned: 11:30AM
Respectfully Submitted:
Sharon Daniels, RN
Interim VACPN Secretary