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Executive Committee Meeting 2.6.2015

Executive Committee Meeting

February 6, 2015

Valley CSB 


Attendance:  Lisa Babilon, President; Sharon Daniels, Vice-President; Jennifer Phelps, Social Media Specialist; Irma Mahone, CNE Coordinator; Randy Ascosta, Region II Rep; Marina Sinyard, Region IV  Rep;  Crystal Hicks, Region III Rep.


Absent:  Sonja Mohr, Treasurer; Donna Horan, Secretary;  Region I and V Reps



Lisa Babilon, President welcomed the committee and began the meeting at 10:15AM




Review of 8/15/14 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Randy Ascosta motioned for approval, motion seconded by Marina Sinyard. 




Review of report t for income and expenditures.  Lisa Babilon motioned for approval of Treasurers Report, seconded by Jennifer Phelps. 




CEU Provider Status:  Irma Mahone, CNE Coordinator advised the she attended CNE provider status training.   Application submitted February 5,2015  Irma reviewed VCAPN Provider Unit Self-Study  


Evaluation Summary Results of 2014 Fall Conference:  Irma reviewed the results of the survey with the committee for outcome of educational objectives. ·       

Content was relevant to the announced: 

95% rated as 4 (very well) or 5 (excellent)·         Personal objectives were achieved: 94% rated 4 or 5·        

Sophistication of content appropriate:  95% rated 4 or 5·        

 Physical Environment:  94% rated as 4 or 5Also reviewed the suggested topics  from participants for future conferences to include: 

BON professional monitoring program for SA, community barriers, prescription monitoring program, stress-related topics, best practice outcomes, integrated care, making nursing sustainable in CSB, and recognizing our biases when delivering care.


DBHDS: CHRIS reporting surrounding medication errors as neglect.  No action at this time.  Marina and Irma had agreed to review published literature to develop a response to DBHDS, however they have not been able to move forth in this task due to other obligations. 




BON Update:

Jennifer Phelps, Social Media Specialist and appointee  to the BON, provided to the committee informational packets on the BON.  Advised group that BON  has speaker opportunities and encouraged thought as to how VACPN may benefit from relationship with BON. 



Lisa Babilon, President updated committee of legislative issues that are pending review.·         HB1413: hospital discharge procedures; designation of individual to receive information and instruction. Patient has the opportunity to designate a n individual.  VACSB & LCVN support.·         HB1456: reports of substance abuse by pregnant woman to child protective services.  Authorizes CPS to perform an investigation or assessment in response to report.  VACB & LCVN oppose (as may discourage treatment.)·         HB 779: psychiatric  treatment of minors; objecting minor, criteria, and duration of admission.   May allow for parents of minor to  bypass the  magistrate & involuntary hospitalization limits.  VACSB Opposes·         SB1410:  Requiring Licensure for all prescreeners.  VACSB opposes.  Much discussion as to where the Licensed RN may fit into the approval as a prescreener under this proposed bill.  The committee requested that Lisa review with the LCVN their position on this issue.  


Spring Conference:  · 


Final review of Speakers·  


Goals & Objectives needed for submission for CEU approval.·       

Brochure ready to go to Regional Reps within next two weeks.·        

Posting on VACPN website for registration deadline of April 27.  ·       

Scholarships: two per region.  Sharing of scholarships approval through Lisa.   ·         Motion and discussion on offering scholarships to nursing students.  Motion carried.  Lisa will contact Regional Rep to update on scholarship details.·        


Display tables:  Osuka and Jansen 


Fall  2015 Conference: 


Discussion of possible speakers   and ideas generated at the table include: Ethics, Scope of Practice in CSB, Review of Scope of Standards and Practice  by ANA. 


Motion by Lisa and second by Marina for VACPN Treasurer to reimburse Sharon for hosting meeting/food expenses.  Sharon respectfully declined the reimbursement and expressed that she was glad to host the meeting. 


Meeting adjourned at 2PM


Respectfully Submitted,


Sharon Daniels, Vice-President                     

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